2022 Grant Allocations

American Cancer Society-Benton County Relay for $20,000

Research, Education & Advocacy

Catholic Charities for $12,500

Cameras & equipment for transitional housing

Milaca Fire & Rescue Department for $25,000

ATV to replace equipment that has limitations

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation-Great Strides for $20,000

Research, Drug Development & Treatment

Light The Legacy for $5,000

Expanded their advance care planning program to Foley

Tanner Team Foundation for $20,000

Financial assistance to families with medical issues

Terebinth Refuge for $25,000

Expand their Health & Wellness Program

Buckman Ballpark for $22,500

Update and repair the ball field

Gilman Park & Rec Association for $25,000

Replace tennis courts with 1 new & 2 pickleball courts

Overcomes Int’l for $12,250

Purchase used van to take clients to appointments

WACOSA for $11,850

LED sign for the Thrift Words Store

Good Neighbors EMS for $25,000

First responder essential equipment bags


Milaca Fine Arts Council
Mille Lacs County
Junior Achievement of the Upper Midwest
Rice American Legion
Rice Community VBS
Rice Women of Today
Rice Area Food Shelf
Benton County Sheriff’s Department
LSS Meals & Meals on Wheels-Morrison City
Rice Boy Scout Troop 473
Bridge Church-Rice Community Party in the Park
Paramount Center for the Arts
ConnectAbility of Minnesota
Volleyball for a Bash for a Cure
Rum River Life Choices