Please use the following format for an interim (if applicable) or final grant report. Your report should only be 1-2 pages in length.
Report Narrative
1. Please briefly outline your original goals and objectives, as stated in your proposal.
2. What progress have you made toward your original goals and objectives? What activities led to meeting these goals and objectives?
3. If applicable, describe the population served or community reached during the grant period. Use numbers and demographics such as race/ethnicity, gender or geographical location.
4. Were there any unanticipated results, either positive or negative? What did you learn because of this grant?
5. Will you make any changes based on these results?
6. What are your future plans for sustaining this program or project?
7. Are there any other important outcomes as a result of this grant?
8. Do you have any plans to share your results or findings? How? (Benton Telecommunications Foundation suggests that you provide any press releases or media coverage, or newsletters, etc. as a result of the funded project.)
1. Please attach an income and expense statement for this grant period. Also, include your original budget.
2. If this is an interim report, please attach a statement including income and expenses for grant period to date. If this is a final report, please attach a statement including actual income and expenses.
3. Please feel free to include a narrative for any of your expenses and income, if necessary.
4. Please include a list of additional funders, including amounts received for this project or program.